
Toronto, the city that rocks!

Most populated city in Canada, Toronto is located in the south-east of Canada, in the province of Ontario of which it is the capital.

A major cultural center in Canada, Toronto has many assets, including the quality of its educational system.

Often compared to New York City, Toronto’s landscape is punctuated by numerous skyscrapers, including the famous 553.33-metre high CN Tower, a true emblem of the city. Don’t hesitate to go there and admire the city from the clouds!

Good reasons to choose Toronto include: the old city of Toronto and its peaceful parks, the ice hockey games and especially those of the Maple Leafs, the nightlife and student life and most of all the friendly people of Toronto!

There is no shortage of things to do in the city of Toronto! For example, you can take a stroll through the St. Lawrence Covered Market or visit the Royal Ontario Museum, a natural history museum where you can learn more about the history of this beautiful country that is Canada.

On weekends, you can get away from the city and drive to Niagara Falls or go hiking or kayaking in Algonquin Provincial Park where you may be lucky enough to encounter wild bears or wolves.

No matter what city you choose, finding a place to live or a job always seems complex, especially if it’s in a city you don’t know yet! Because we have many partners on site, we will be able to help you in these crucial stages of your project.

Our network will allow us to help you find a job, or to find the housing of your dreams, whether it is in a host family, a shared apartment, or your own apartment, we will adapt to your desires.

Toronto in a few figures

CN tower

Toronto is: 2,956,024 inhabitants / 630 km2 in area

Catch-Up Education benefits from numerous partnerships with institutions across Canada!

Smiling student
Group study

To discover the range of programs offered by Catch-Up Education in Canada, do not hesitate to consult our services and programs !

The vibrant and cosmopolitan city of Toronto is waiting for you!

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Étudiante heureuse

Air Calin
Air France
Banque Socredo

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